Think your business anew

From big vision to the nuts and bolts

Businesses are forever formulating plans, but more than one-third of business improvement projects are terminated before they yield results. We’ve learned why through (1) extensive, first-hand experience with companies that have implemented our prescriptions for breakthrough performance improvement, and (2) the focused university research that guides our approach to carrying projects through to completion and organizing them in such a way that the requisite technical, managerial, and organizational evolution can occur in parallel.

More than one-third of business improvement projects are terminated before they yield results.

More than one-third of business improvement projects are terminated before they yield results. We’ve made a business of carrying through to completion well thought out projects that target breakthrough performance improvement.

Whether the objective is to accelerate export growth in developing economies or establish strategic alliances worldwide, we define and undertake analyses exclusively for the purpose of influencing significantly the efficiency and output of business processes. We’ve made a business of conceiving and executing well thought out projects that target breakthrough performance improvement.

Just as a coach adds value by helping athletes stay fit and refine their technique and strategy, we add value by helping companies determine where improvement dollars are optimally invested. We help them discover how their performance measures up to, and how it might be made to exceed, that of the best. And we help them plan for the future by choosing the most suitable path for growth.

“Management of Technology is at least as important as the Technology itself”

—Late Prof. Jai Jaikumar, Harvard Business School

Inherent in our overarching philosophy is an emphasis on increasing throughput without additional investment. This is variously be achieved by streamlining product development processes, improving yield quality, eliminating supply chain inefficiencies that keep inventory requirements high, and reducing lead times and, hence, time to market. Being, thus, fundamentally about doing more, better, with less, we call our overarching philosophy “Minimalism,” consistent with equivalent emphases in art and architecture.