Decision Support Systems

Bridging the gap between plan and execution

Just as each tree in a forest is unique, so business processes and procedures, even equivalent ones, differ from one another. Our familiarity with most industry sectors and with businesses across the spectrum from manufacturing to services positions us to develop and deliver highly customized systems for decision making. We build highly customized decision analytics.

We have extensive experience analyzing workflows, identifying decision points, understanding information requirements, and evolving strategies for gathering timely, consistent, accurate data for operational and tactical decision support. We use these skills, which we continually refine in the service of our clients, to develop embedded, integrated decision support systems that automate, optimize, and speed operational decision-making. And we build these systems around, and incorporate in them, the latest technological advances.

“Developing decision support systems to aid in operational and business decision making can harvest the unseen or hidden savings, which are very significant.”

—Rajiv Srinath, MNI Partners LLC

We undertake development of such systems at all levels, from relatively straightforward processes for managing workflows to the highly complex processes inherent in supply chain management. The systems we deliver afford our clients greater control over the decision making process and, because better decisions made more quickly are an enviable competitive advantage, greater success in the marketplace.

Decision support systems and other optimization techniqsues premised on our statistically valdiated scientific models push business performance to much higher levels in relatively short periods of time.

Decision support systems and other optimization techniqsues premised on our statistically valdiated scientific models push business performance to much higher levels in relatively short periods of time.

Often times, by providing alternatives to any decision making processes narrows the gap between plan and execution.